Download O!MPD and other stuff.
Download O!MPD v1.07
Release date: 2020.12.03
- added support for HighResAudio (thanks to marcbth)
- added badge with audio format info on album cover (thanks to paradix)
- added support for Tidal OAuth2 login
- added ‘Add to Library’ for albums from streaming services (Tidal, HRA)
- added popularity bar on album cover
- added displaying lyrics on album cover in ‘Now Playing’ (based on LyricsCore API; also Musixmatch supported)
- added new popularity category (by album year)
- compatibility with PHP8
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.06
Release date: 2020.07.22
- added support for TIDAL direct play (play TIDAL with any version of MPD)
- added support for TIDAL user playlists
- added YouTube results in artist view and search (settable in
- added support for internet radio covers (settable in
- added default login option
- added possibility to login using URL (login.php)
- added support for PWA (Progressive Web App)
- added new skin (darker)
- improved TIDAL support (python API replaced with PHP API – works much faster)
- improved Favorites – mixed lists (streams and local files) are allowed
- improved Favorites – tracks from Tidal and YouTube now can be added to Favorites
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.05
Release date: 2019.07.31
- added support for TIDAL
- added support for COMPOSER tag (settable in
- added ‘Show favorite tracks’ for selected genre
- added popularity of artists (Library -> Popular -> Artist)
- added info about Track Dynamic Range in track lists (settable in
- changed genre view
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.04
Release date: 2018.07.24
- added ability to play audio streams from Youtube movies (requires youtube-dl)
- added new skins (skins are now based on {less})
- added miniplayer (settable in
- added support for mpd playlists
- added discography browser in album view (settable in
- added view for Album Dynamic Range (DR)
- added direct navigation to selected page in paginator
- added search action for album cover in album view (settable in
- added ‘Play next’ and ‘Remove all below’ to track menu in ‘Now Playing’
- added ‘Go to album’ in file browser (if album is in DB)
- added config file editor
- added consume mode on/off (long press on ‘Delete played’)
- added stop function in ‘Now Playing’ (long press on play/pause button)
- improved sorting by genre in search results
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.03
Release date: 2017.05.02
- added ability to play any track/folder www server has access to (i.e. files outside of MPD and O!MPD database) on any MPD in network
- added multi-genre support
- added STYLE tag support
- added file browser
- added ability to update selected directory only (no need to do full update when adding single albums)
- added ability to update album directly from Album view
- added artist list in library
- added sort by ‘Add time’ in search results
- added display of multi-disc in album view
- added grouping of multi-disc albums in album search results
- added display of other versions of album
- added list of favorite tracks in artist search results
- added possibility to use more than one file name for album cover
- added random play from directory
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.02
Release date: 2016.09.19
- added possibility to synch, copy and add current playlist from one MPD to another (multiroom)
- added better support for Favorites: tracks can be saved/added to Favorites from any place (Now Playing, album view, search results)
- added possibility to add stream to current playlist and Favorites
- added Blacklist
- added time info (‘End at’ and ‘Left’) for current playlist
- added possibility to switch off tags from COMMENT
- added support for MDP password
- added proxy support (code by Stéphane Ardhuin)
- added ‘Play to…’ for albums (experimental)
- improvements in update procedure
- compatibillity with PHP7 and mySQL 5.7
- some visual improvements
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.01
Release date: 2016.02.07
- added possibility of arrange tracks in Now Playing and Favorites
- added ‘Recently played albums’ on start page
- added start page display options (section ‘Start page display options’ in configuration file)
- added ‘Crop’ to Now Playing commands
- added ‘Insert into playlist’ and ‘Insert and play’ to album commands in album view
- added ‘Quick play’ and ‘Quick add’ to album mini-covers (settable in configuration file)
- added some ‘Media statistics’ (section ‘Playtime’)
- added total time of Now Playing playlist
- clicking the big play icon in album view now plays album and redirects to Now Playing
- improved update procedure
- better support for streams and tracks not uploaded to MySQL database
- O!MPD now uses PHP MySQLi extension instead of MySQL
- some performance improvements
- fixed bugs
Download O!MPD v1.0
Release date: 2015.07.10
- first release
O!MPD on Raspberry Pi
System image for Raspberry Pi 2/3 based on XBian with O!MPD and Kodi. Read more here.