I’m glad to announce, that O!MPD 1.02 has been released 🙂 You can get it form download page. Changelog: added possibility to synch, copy and add current playlist from one MPD to another (multiroom) added better support for Favorites: tracks can be saved/added to Favorites from any place (Now Playing,…
O!MPD v1.01
I’m glad to announce, that O!MPD 1.01 has been released 🙂 You can get it form download page. Changelog: added possibility of arrange tracks in Now Playing and Favorites added ‘Recently played albums’ on start page added start page display options (section ‘Start page display options’ in configuration file) added…
O!MPD on Raspberry Pi
If you own Raspberry Pi ver. 2, you could try O!MPD by installing system image prepared by me. This image probably will also work on RPi ver. 3, but I haven’t tried this. That way you can have one universal and powerful Media Centre for all of your multimedia and…

Other features
Statistics In O!MPD you can see some interesting statistics. In the section Config (click on cog symbol) -> Media statistics: quantity of artists, albums and tracks in collection increase of albums by month and year size of all files in library and database total playtime of particular file types In…

Basic search There’s several ways you can search your library. You can use shortcuts from Library submenu (Artist, Genre, Quick Search, Year, etc.). You can also click on many links created by O!MPD – each time you see blue text, you can be sure, that it leads somewhere (or does…

Versions of a song
When listening to a song, would you like to know if there is another version or part of this song in your library? O!MPD can find it for you and it does it in a smart way. Let’s say you’re listening to Mike Oldfield’s Taurus II from album Five Miles…

Almost all music files have metadata information to describe content of file. Typical are: ARTIST, ALBUM, TITLE, DATE, GENRE, etc. There is also field called COMMENT. In O!MPD you can use this field for additional tags, which can be use for Quick search or displaying all albums having the same…

Quick search
Quick search lets you define your own query. In typical music applications you have a possibility of browsing the library by artist, album, year, sometimes by year/album (of course O!MPD also offers this). But what if you want to display for example all pop albums released in the 80’s? Usually…

One app fits all
One application running on (almost) all devices. O!MPD is designed to work and look properly in modern web browsers, in various screen resolutions and on various devices. It means it should work on smartphone, tablet, PC and even smart TV equipped in web browser. O!MPD was tested with IE, Firefox,…