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Play any file on any MPD

One of the things, I always wanted to be able to do, was playing files from outside of MPD music_directory. Normally, when you want to play such a file, MPD will return Not found error – it means, that file was not found in MPD database. In other words MPD…

O!MPD on Raspberry Pi

If you own Raspberry Pi ver. 2, you could try O!MPD by installing system image prepared by me. This image probably will also work on RPi ver. 3, but I haven’t tried this. That way you can have one universal and powerful Media Centre for all of your multimedia and…


Basic requirements To run O!MPD you need to have up and running: Apache or Lighttpd web server (other WWW servers should also work, but I didn’t test it) PHP 5.3.0 or later with extension: GD2, ICONV, MYSQLi, JSON, MBSTRING, CTYPE and CURL MySQL 4.1.0 or later MPD web browser with…